I thought I had life all figured out, and then life should me who is boss. I was in a tailspin the last few years, but I have gotten my act together and thanks to a couple friends learned about Pema Chodron. I'm now completely fascinated, but what I have learned from her writing. I don't know where I am headed from here, but I'm fine with that (sorta). A control-freak by nature it is hard for me to detach, but that's what I'm working toward.
I'm in the process of getting out of a relationship, so I have to be upfront about that.
I don't know that I'm ready to jump into another relationship, but I also don't want to do what I did last time (3.5 yrs of alone time to heal from my 15 yr marriage).
I'm sure all this sounds super-appealing, but it's honest.
I'm a professional woman who finally has the job of her dreams, and guess what - it's not what I thought it would be. Shocker!!
I guess that's enough about me for now.
Thank you for reading.